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Jinwei (Clark) Zhao (/dʒaʊ/), 赵 锦威 |
PhD student at |
Department of Computer Science University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
1. Measuring Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Networks (September 2022 - Present)
We conducted a comprehensive study of Starlink access, core, and global backbone networks.
We open-sourced the first comprehensive LEO satellite network measurement dataset, named LENS.
It includes the collected latency traces from more than 20 Starlink user terminals (UTs/dishes) across five continents for inside-out measurements,
covering the latency performance from the dish to ground station gateways at the associated user "home PoP".
With outside-in measurements and the help of the RIPE Atlas platform, along with crowdsourced traceroute results by Starlink community users on Reddit,
we helped the community to map the first near-complete unofficial Starlink global backbone map.
With over 10 TB of raw data within the LENS dataset, it has already been downloaded over 600 times by researchers worldwide.
Most recently, we are comparing the performance of Starlink and OneWeb at different locations around the world given their different technologies, LEO parameters,
and targeted customers, and correlating UT, communicating satellites and landing ground stations without UT revealing such information to improve the handover performance and behaviors.
1. Unofficial Starlink GeoIP Map, [Code], [Data]
The unofficial Starlink GeoIP Map is a visualization of the planned naming and addressing scheme of the Starlink ISP, representing the association between user IP and Starlink's point-of-presence (PoP).
The data repository contains raw snapshots of the Starlink GeoIP feed https://geoip.starlinkisp.net/feed.csv, DNS PTR Records of the GeoIP feed, snapshots of the raw JSON metrics for https://www.starlink.com/map?view=latency, and the processed data to render the map.
2. Starlink gRPC protobuf API for Golang
This project includes snapshots of the protobuf Golang API generated from the Starlink user dish (UT) protoset.
21. [Conference] Modeling Packet Loss of Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Networks
Tengfei Liu, Tingting Wang, Ye Li, Jinwei Zhao, Ruifeng Gao, Jianping Pan
Accepted at 2025 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNC'25)
20. [Preprint] A Large-Scale IPv6-Based Measurement of the Starlink Network, [arXiv]
Bingsen Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Shuai Wang, Li Chen, Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan, Dan Li, Yong Jiang
19. [Conference] FTRL-WRR: Learning-Based Two-Path Scheduler for LEO Networks
Daoping Li, Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan
2025 IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC'25)
18. [Conference] Trajectory-based Serving Satellite Identification with User Terminal's Field-of-View, [PDF], [Code]
Ali Ahangarpour, Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan
2024 ACM 2nd Workshop on LEO Networking and Communication (LEO-NET'24), doi: 10.1145/3697253.3697266
17. [Conference] StarQUIC: Tuning Congestion Control Algorithms for QUIC over LEO Satellite Networks, [PDF], [Code]
Victor Kamel, Jinwei Zhao, Daoping Li, Jianping Pan
2024 ACM 2nd Workshop on LEO Networking and Communication (LEO-NET'24), doi: 10.1145/3697253.3697271
16. [Journal] An eBPF-Based Trace-Driven Emulation Method for Satellite Networks, [arXiv], [Code]
Weibiao Tian, Ye Li, Jinwei Zhao, Sheng Wu, Jianping Pan
IEEE Networking Letters, doi: 10.1109/LNET.2024.3472034
15. [Conference] Adaptive Multi-Link Data Allocation for LEO Satellite Networks
Jinkai Zheng, Tom H. H. Luan, Jinwei Zhao, Guanjie Li, Yao Zhang, Jianping Pan, Nan Cheng
2024 IEEE 43rd Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'24)
14. [Conference] LENS: A LEO Satellite Network Measurement Dataset, [Dataset], [Poster]
Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan
2024 ACM 15th Multimedia Systems Conference Open-Source software & Datasets track (MMSys'24 ODS), doi: 10.1145/3625468.3652170
13. [Conference] Low Latency Live Video Streaming over a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network with DASH, [Code], [Slides]
Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan
2024 ACM 15th Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'24), doi: 10.1145/3625468.3647616
DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award Third Place
12. [Conference] Measuring the Satellite Links of a LEO Network, [Slides]
Jianping Pan, Jinwei Zhao, Lin Cai
2024 IEEE 59th International Conference on Communications (ICC'24), doi: 10.1109/ICC51166.2024.10623111
11. [MSc Thesis] Low-Latency Live Video Streaming over Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Networks
Jinwei Zhao
Available at the University of Victoria Libraries
10. [Dataset] Starlink Latency and Downlink Throughput Measurement Dataset, [Zenodo]
Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10020034
9. [Conference] QoE-driven Joint Decision-Making for Multipath Adaptive Video Streaming, [Code]
Jinwei Zhao, Jianping Pan
2023 IEEE 42nd Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'23), doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437877
8. [Conference] Measuring a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network, [arXiv], [Slides]
Jianping Pan, Jinwei Zhao, Lin Cai
2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'23), doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10294034
7. [Journal] Fast Image Defogging Algorithm Based on Luminance Contrast Enhancement and Saturation Compensation, [PDF]
Xumin Cao, Chunxiao Liu, Jindong Zhang, Yuhang Liu, Jinwei Zhao
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, vol. 30, no. 10, pp: 1925-1934, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1089.2018.17000 (In Chinese)
6. [Journal] Atmospheric Light Correction and Transmission Optimization Based Robust Image Dehazing, [PDF]
Yiyun Shen, Chunxiao Liu, Jindong Zhang, Yaqi Shao, Jinwei Zhao
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, vol. 29, no.9, pp: 1604-1612, Sep. 2017. (In Chinese)
5. [Journal] Integrating Sky Detection with Texture Smoothing for Image Defogging, [PDF]
Yiyun Shen, Yaqi Shao, Chunxiao Liu, Huajian Zhou, Jinwei Zhao
Journal of Image and Graphics, vol. 22, no.7, pp. 897-905, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.11834/jig.170030 (In Chinese)
4. [Journal] Sky detection- and
texture smoothing-based high-visibility haze removal from images and videos
Chunxiao Liu, Yiyun Shen, Yaqi Shao, Jinwei Zhao, Xun Wang
Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds, vol. 28, no. 3-4, p. e1776, May 2017, doi: 10.1002/cav.1776
3. [Journal] Texture filtering based
physically plausible image dehazing, [PDF]
Chunxiao Liu, Jinwei Zhao, Yiyun Shen, Yanggang Zhou, Xun Wang, Yi Ouyang
The Visual Computer, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 911-920, Jun. 2016, doi: 10.1007/s00371-016-1259-3
2. [Journal] Dark Channel
Prior-based Image Dehazing with Atmospheric Light Validation and Halo Elimination, [PDF]
Jinwei Zhao, Yiyun Shen, Chunxiao Liu, Yi Ouyang
Journal of Image and Graphics, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1221-1228, Aug. 2016, doi: 10.11834/jig.20160911 (In Chinese)
1. [Journal] Dominant Color Detection and Grayscale Propagation Based Color2gray Method, [PDF]
Chunxiao Liu, Zhenyang Zhu, Min Wu, Jinwei Zhao
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 433-442, Mar. 2016 (In Chinese)